where it all started


Hey all! My name is Chris and iā€™m from southern California. I started my D&d journey early 2020. I Have always Been interested in the game but never had the time or group to start. After my first one shot session, i was completely obsessed with D&D and the dice that you need for the game.

After a couple sessions on my first campaign, I decided to go out and try to find the right set of dice that were calling to me. after searching multiple stores, I then realized how hard it was to get an incredible looking manufactured set that fits my character.

Shortly after struggling to find a good set of dice, I decided to research how to make them. I invested in all of the equipment and started to experiment right away. A few months later, i started sharing all of my work with online social media groups and got a ton of incredible feedback.


after nearly a year of making dice as a hobby, I went a step further in getting my own master dice. I made my Instagram and created malevolentdice in February of 2021. I realized my passion was here making dice. but not only making dice for myself, but for others that were like me a year ago searching for that perfect set.